Registered Motor Vehicles
Licensed motor vehicles are valued at retail trade level for property tax purposes. A motor vehicle offered for sale by a dealer to the end consumer represents the best example of the retail level of trade. Classified motor vehicles are not valued at wholesale, blue book or private party asking price for property tax purposes. Sales transactions between private buyers and sellers and internet valuation lookup websites typically reflect these levels of trade.
Value adjustments may be necessary if the owner can document high mileage, significant body or frame damage, excessively worn interior or other damage that may significantly reduce the retail value. Normal wear and tear will not be considered.
Documentation that will be considered for a vehicle value appeal:
A copy of the bill of sale documenting the purchase price from a local dealer
A written appraisal performed by a dealer that clearly states the appraisal reflects the retail value as of the January 1 of the year in which the taxes are due
For vehicles less than eight years old, documentation of high mileage from an annual inspection, oil change or other invoice
Repair estimates for vehicles that have been significantly damaged
Licensed vehicle value appeals and supporting documentation must be presented to the Clay County Tax Office within 30 days of the due date printed on the notice.
Personal & Business Personal Property
As per North Carolina General Statute 105-317.1(c), a taxpayer who owns personal property taxable in Clay County may appeal the value, situs or taxability of the property within 30 days after the date of the initial notice of value. If the assessor does not give separate written notice of the value to the taxpayer at the taxpayer's last known address, then the tax bill serves as notice of the value of the personal property. Upon receipt of a timely appeal, the Clay County Tax Office will contact the taxpayer to afford the taxpayer the opportunity to present any evidence or argument regarding the value, situs or taxability of the property. Within 30 days after the conference, the tax office will provide notice to the taxpayer of its final decision. If an agreement is not reached, the taxpayer has 30 days from the date of the notice of the tax office's final decision to request review of that decision by the Board of Equalization and Review or, if that board is not in session, by the Board of County Commissioners.
Real Property
Clay County real estate values reflect the market value as of the most recent countywide reappraisal, which was effective January 1, 2018. Any inflation, deflation or other economic changes occurring after the appraisal date will not affect the county's value of the property and cannot be lawfully considered when reviewing the value for adjustment. The appraised values remain in effect until the next countywide reappraisal, which is currently performed every eight years.
Property owners can appeal county appraised real estate values March 1 thru March 31 each year. This appeal is to the Board of Equalization and Review (BOER).
This is a special board appointed by the County Commissioners and consists of Clay County residents with knowledge of local real estate values. Please note that changes in market or economic conditions occurring after the effective date of the last reappraisal, which was January 1, 2018, cannot be lawfully considered when reviewing the appraised value for adjustment.
Completed forms may be returned to Clay County Tax Office, PO Box 486, Hayesville NC 28904.
Once your appeal application has been received by our office, you will be contacted via telephone with notification of a scheduled hearing date and time.
Following a hearing with the BOER, property owners may appeal to the North Carolina Property Tax Commission should they remain in disagreement with the value of their real property. Please contact our office for further information regarding these appeals.