GIS / Mapping
The job of the Tax Mapping Office is to help the assessor locate and properly assess property within the county and update property lines when needed. Contact our GIS Mapping Office at 828-389-1265 with all your mapping inquiries.
To perform an online search of Clay County GIS, and Tax information, read and agree with the disclaimer below.
The County of Clay acquires, develops, maintains and uses GIS data in support of its internal business functions and the public services it provides. The GIS data which Clay County provides access to may not be suitable for other purposes. It is the requestor’s responsibility to verify any information derived from the GIS data before making any decisions or taking any actions based on the information.Clay County shall not be held liable for any errors in the GIS data. This includes errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and relative and positional accuracy of the data. Source information used for these data may have been collected at different scales, times or definitions, resulting in inconsistencies among features represented together on this map. Primary sources from which these data were compiled must be consulted for verification of information contained in the data. Parcel data was prepared for the inventory of real property found within this jurisdiction, and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Users of the data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification of the information. Clay County assumes no legal responsibility for this information. Data is projected using North Carolina State Plane (North American Datum 1983). Horizontal measurement units are in feet.
I have read, understood and agree that I (and my organization) will abide with the above statements.
Contact: GIS Mapping Office - Lee Johnson - 828-389-1265 - Monday-Friday - 8am-5pm